Obtulona Linden, Gaston (1855 - 1940)


Gaston Linden (1855-1940) was a Belgian artist working mainly in Paris. He exhibited two paintings in Berlin at the International Art Exhibition in 1891 and was awarded an honorary distinction for them. He also exhibited at the Paris Salons.

Description of the painting:
The portrait shows a young woman in a bust view, en face (frontal). The model is portrayed in a black outfit, most likely fur. The neck is covered with a dark scarf with orange stripes. It is also placed on her head, enveloping her. The woman’s face is bright, as if illuminated. The strong color accent is the blood-red lips. The woman looks ahead, her gaze focuses on the viewer, with whom she establishes contact. Loosely curled bangs flow onto the woman’s forehead. The background of the portrait is monochromatic.

The artist bases the work on three colors – red, black and white. The bright face of the model contrasts with the black outfit and the intense red of the background. It seems as if the face emerges from the black space of the scarf. The artist paid great attention to outlining its details. By using chiaroscuro, he emphasized the features. The careless depiction of the outfit and the uniform background make the work a study of the woman’s face. The portrait, through the intense, captivating gaze of the model, is almost hypnotic.