Ethnographic Objects Conservation Studio


Joanna Kokoć, Senior Conservator, Head Conservator
Lucyna Grupa, Senior Conservator
Aldona Kłapouch, Senior Conservator
Anna Napierała, Senior Conservator
Milena Niemyt, Assistant Conservator


Ethnographic Museum
ul. Grobla 25, 61-854 Poznań
phone: +48 852 30 06

The Ethnographic Objects Conservation Studio takes care of material culture objects created by people from all over the world. Along with examples of Polish monuments, the collection includes sets of objects from almost all continents.

Various origins of objects are associated with diversity in terms of materials and technologies used. The Ethnographic Objects Conservation Studio deals with conservation of fabrics, sculptures, paintings made on different substrates, organic materials such as feathers, shells, coral and in many cases very complex objects combining different elements: wooden with metal, paper, glass and even modern plastics.